The defining feature of AI is its darkness', Everything it touches is creepy. If an artist is prepared to embrace that, fine. I don't think Bedingfield's our man though.

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Thanks couldn’t have put it better. Don’t want to sound old man yelling at cloud but digitally produced 21st century music and film just looks and sounds worse. Watch any movie that’s been shot on film remastered and it’s beautiful. Modern movies are so washed out and muted, music is just overproduced and plastic sounding.

Maybe this is progress but it sure doesn’t feel like it.

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Yeah your eye can just pick it up eh? Like something just feels … off.

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Worth noting - Peter Jackson is currently investing huge amounts of his company's money into developing AI systems that will allow New Zealand actors to play parts that are then superimposed with twisted Aragorns and John Lennon. This industry is only just showing the surface of it's depravity and Jackson is at the forefront of fake, ahistorical, revisionist, hallucinatory AI regurgitated movies.

Also, regarding that Tom Breihan rebuttal - he is attempting to discuss issues that are within the realms of musicology/music studies which he does not really understand as far as I can tell. Most of his ideas about what might make pop music more complicated than it first appears seem to me reactionary attempts to restrict a framework that applies to all music to so-called pop music. To say that you cannot analyse pop music through the same lens as other music because there are social and political factors is frankly hogwash because the same factors apply to all music. Bob Marley, James Brown, Curtis Mayfield, Abba, the Carpenters, hell even locally do you really believe that the modern local pop bands are more complex than Kora, Fat Freddie's Drop, Salmonella Dub? It's a clearly continuum that anyone can observe.

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Why am I not surprised PJ is doing this. Horrific

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Yeah that doesn't feel like much of a surprise, does it...

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