I should also note that we do have a light festival happening in Auckland this month, with live music and video installations, to celebrate Matariki ... https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/518612/light-installations-to-usher-in-matariki-for-aucklanders

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I've been thinking about this a bit after some recent trips to Melbourne. I love Australia and will basically encourage any of my friends to move there if it makes sense. So much to do and see + a barista job might actually give you enough money to live.

I don't think it's all as rosey as it seems tho on the music front. Besides the benefit of having a much larger population, I don't see it as nearly as optimistic as I once did. Triple J doesn't seem to have the pull that it once did. A quick look at the ARIA Top 50 Singles Chart and I don't think there's a single Australian artist on there. Their festivals are getting cancelled too. Anecdotally the young artists I know over there are in much the same position we are - fighting for scraps and largely turning their attention overseas.

In the past I've argued that NZ artists are in a better position than Australian ones purely because there are only crumbs of an industry left here. We can pull all our focus towards what matters while they are still looking for validation in an industry that's dying out.

Sorry to come in here so cynical!

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No that's great insight. I love cynical! I'm just coming at it from a punter after a week spent on holiday in Sydney, and things from the outside seemed pretty rosy. It's good to have an insider's perspective. I just ... a 45-date tour from Grinspoon? That seems astounding when The Beths, who just won some of the biggest Tuis a band can get, is doing three dates.

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That explains why my copy of I Hate People in the Internet cost over $109. Not that I minded.

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"Chemical Heart" was Grinspoon's biggest hit over here.

I think Radiohead have been quiet long enough that we have to consider The Smile to be Thom Yorke's main project, right? Not to mention (and this might be a hot take) both Smiles albums are better than any Radiohead since In Rainbows.

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Never heard it :)

That is a HUGE take Chris Philpott and I would like you to listen to A Moon Shaped Pool again and reconsider ...

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I would qualify that take by saying that I don't think King Of Limbs and Moon Shaped Pool are bad albums. They're both solid 7-8 out of 10s. But the two Smile albums are 9s. Wall Of Eyes might even be a 9.5.

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Yeah Wall of Eyes is going on my best of list.

But I want Eraser songs from a Thom Yorke show. MANY Eraser songs.

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We're really getting spoiled for live shows this year between The Beths, Crowded House, and Thom Yorke (and those are just the ones I'm looking forward to). Unfortunate that the sound at Spark isn't always great, but the vibes shall be immaculate nonetheless

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I think Thom Yorke will be OK: the venue looks like it's being used in theatre mode, which means there's less chance of that damned echo booming around the ceiling...but yes, agree, too many shows to choose from! Mos Def this Friday night too...

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I don't follow Aussie artists much these days and have gone over there for overseas big names... But maybe these Grinspoon guys are popular with Australians still and if you're in NZ, that's the reason why you don't know too much about them? Playing the devil's advocate, I have no idea what Grinspoon sing or how popular they currently are, etc.... but I am in NZ and a fan of "Australian" artists Neil and Tim Finn :). Don't be surprised that Grinspoon are popular. I will need to research them, as I know nothing of them, despite knowing the name.

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One more thing, Australians have 25 million people at least. We only have 5 million which is the size of one of their cities. We are not big enough to have a carbon copy music industry that can support Kiwi artists.

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Oh I totally get that! More people = more money. I think the differences were just so stark. One of my colleagues, a musician called DC Maxwell, is leaving this week to set up in Melbourne. I'm like, why wouldn't you go? Totally the right thing to do.

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