Super freaky friday love fest catchup comment, forgive the 1 month lag

- The Avondale Markets restoring my faith in community & also money going a long(er) way there

- Seeing Kim Hill in action on the live stream, can't get over those body movements on air, mesmerizing

- Watching Manu Walters rap never gets old. Saw Mokomokai at Galatos Saturday night, Manu was so infectious as always, has a special power of making everyone feel at ease and in a good mood

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You can get SO MUCH tofu at Avondale Markets for $5. Love that place! Also agree with the Kim Hill livestream - she’s like a conductor in there, bending the radio waves to her will.

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I have loved the new TV show with Robyn Malcolm called 'After the Party'

Intriguing and clever and so well acted

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I am devouring this exact show this weekend!! Hold fire and let’s discuss next week....

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Love this Chris.

Having the luxury to watch a few eps of the glorious westie wonder that is Outrageous Fortune as I work my way through the seasons. Pure simple adulterated joy.

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We didn't know how lucky we had it with that one eh?! I hear Robyn Malcolm's also excellent in the new one After the Party. Need to check that out. On TVNZ+ I think...

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Reading Big Swiss by Jen Beagin - it's captivating and bonkers!

Also loving getting out to Bar Martin for Sunday vino - great excuse to catch up with pals

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That’s an incredible read! You’ve reminded me to hunt out her other books.

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I have LOVED Celebrity Treasure Island this season and I don't care if that makes me lame!! Tame Iti Is a National treasure, Steve Price is the ultimate Great New Zealander and James Mustapic is the best deadpan dude on TV.

That, and my dogs has fuelled my happy recently. Thank you so much for this sharing of joy ❤️

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Oh, and QOTSA announced they're coming next year, so that too 🥰

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I got a ticket this week! $166 but totally worth it!

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Cheaper than the Foos!

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Good post mate! This week I’ve once again rediscovered my love for the old Mystery Science Theater 3000 show, because watching people and robots riff and make fun of terrible movies somehow seems a lot more innocent and fun in 2023 internet times. Silly snark is way better than hateful trolling.

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- The Fall of the House of Usher on Netflix was dark and depressing... but also so gripping that I couldn’t wait to watch a new ep every day after work ☺️

- the new season of the Alan Partridge podcast is absolutely joyful silliness

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I’m one episode in - should I keep going?

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You absolutely must

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A colleague at work got my deep cut, bonus feature quote from Napoleon Dynamite... I spent the summer with my uncle hunting wolverines.

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I discovered yesterday that there was a new season of Fargo AND that I had somehow missed the LAST season.. so a very lovely binge has begun..

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The new trailer looks soooo good eh

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Love this idea Chris! Things I have discovered/rediscovered this week include:

- The joy of getting totally immersed in a bloody great novel (Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver).

- The fact that slipping over on a banana skin is a thing that actually happens IRL and not just cartoons (someone needs to OIA those ACC claims).

- Bicep! Especially, 'Apricots'.

- 'Silent Connections' - an extraordinarily earnest event I really should have realised was just speed dating, except without the talking. What you *do* do is a lot of dancing, massaging of hands/wrists/shoulders, staring into each others' eyes, and at one point, an 'energetic blessing'. An excellent test of comfort zone limits, if nothing else.

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I need to know more about ... ALL of this!

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