I’m not worried by this as music tastes are subjective. I choose mezzanine and blue lines and all the first few by massive attack and together alone by crowded house above all those you mentioned. Some Beatles stuff would be in there too.

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And you don’t mention new forms by roni size if we are looking at Bristol.

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What about the Marshall Mathers Long player above Kanye and Jay z? My preference. See tastes are subjective

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What about salmonella dub inside and outside the dub plates?

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There's so many, right? I keep thinking of others too.

No Fiona Apple drive me bonkers.

But also surely Pearl Jam's Ten should be on there.

There's little to no hard rock or metal.

No Songs for the Deaf, Aenema, White Pony?


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Dark Twisted Fantasy not Ye's finest work? Them's fighting words!

I only know Clairo from collabs with P.H.F. back in the day, looking forward to hearing the song

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Yeezus! Yeezus! Yeezus!

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Definitely a contender!

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Lists are always more about what’s not on them than what’s on them. The Apple list — which I haven’t looked at, have only heard about the number 1 spot and the baffled reactions — isn’t for music fans. It’s for tech/app users.

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