Omg I would love to go on a rock cruise. It’s my husband’s dream too. One of our kids would love it but the other would loathe it so it’s unlikely to happen until they’re older. We used to look at the Rock the Boat line ups and laugh at how Chocolate Starfish were ALWAYS on the line up. But then that’s kind of the dream no? To be a band that just does cruises haha

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Do you think? I bet some bands absolutely do not want to mingle with the kind of diehard fans that would shell out $5000 to see them over the breakfast buffet.

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Also I just realised in my head chocolate starfish was the name of the band that sang You Sexy Thing but actually that was Hot Chocolate lol

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Limp Bizkit on the brain?!?

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Surely though they’re not paying $5k to see chocolate starfish 🤣

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Wow! Had never heard of Rock the Boat before, but it's got a line up both my wife and I can appreciate. Plus it'd be a damn sight cheaper than getting over for Cruise to the Edge.

Reckon if they included some Aussie prog bands like Caligula's Horse, Karnivool, Southern Empire, Acolyte, and The Butterfly Effect (more rock than prog, but still bloody awesome), we'd be onto a real winner!

And the one time we did see Chocolate Starfish live (in a pub in Bondi Junction), the lead singer had to remain seated for the whole gig as he'd buggered up his leg.

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For anyone interested, I have a few videos up in this YouTube playlist. It may help answer the question "Who the 🤬are those bands?!" 🤘😂🤘


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Before I read the article, let me first respond to the title question by saying - I have no clue, but it seems like a terrible mismatch of ....activities.🤢

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Put it this way... as it was my first cruise I did a lot of recon by watching cruise reviews on YouTube. Now I can't imagine going on one if it didn't have wall to wall music.

And the best thing was that the music theme seeped into everything! Instead of muzak coming through the PA system in lifts and other common areas, we had prog metal titans like Dream Theater, Riverside, and Haken. 🤘😆🤘

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So apparently I've been living UNDER a rock.

Of course you're not going to board a cruise in the first place, if you don't have a cast-iron gut, and a natural desire (or a commitment to your partner that will translate to tolerance) to hang in close proximity with a large bunch of people for a prolonged period of time.

Europe sounds nice.

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But what if the headlines acts were your FAVOURITE ARTISTS EVER?

Would that get you on board?

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I did contemplate this very thought.

I have actually been on a cruise. I was 15 and my family boarded a 2 week long cruise around the Pacific.

P&O The Canberra, newly back from secondment - Falklands War - used as a mobile hospital.

So everything about the interior of the ship was shiny and new. A huge black and white photo of the military painted hospital Canberra hung in the grand(ish) central staircase.

This was a bizarre holiday event for our family, we were not wealthy and my parents were always very responsible with finances.

It transpired that this break from tradition was to celebrate an unexpected win against what was believed to have been a terminal illness - a secret, a five year long stress that our parents had spared us, their children, from.

So for 2 weeks my older sisters and I gorged ourselves on fresh papaya, fried our skin poolside - it was the 80's, and danced the night away to genuinely great bands and cover bands - when ever I hear Rain by Dragon, I'm right back on that dance floor - 80's dancing💃.

Our parents enjoyed their evenings in the quieter parts of the ship. We referred to this as the morgue- keeping in mind that they still hadn't told us about the cancer diagnosis, but still...teenagers 🫣

I had a great time then. These days you'd have to round-up some once in a life time opportunities to get me back on-board.

There's nothing like hearing artists live, especially in a small venue, recital setting.

I went to NZ Guitar Quartet recital last week at Whirinaki Whare Taonga, Upper Hutt, Wellington. A small performance space with a nice acoustic.

An incredible program of commissioned pieces. The Quartet are so good.

I was raised and taught through a classical lense, so perhaps I'm more drawn in by an acoustic set-up?

And, well.. I'm just not great in crowds.

But yes, you'd get me on board with the right stuff, she said, definitely not referencing an 80's boy band.

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Wow, Sarah, I can see why cruises might be a pretty emotional experience for you after that, music or no music.

I've only ever been on one, an experience immortalised in this story in which organisers explicitly said I'd never be invited back again: https://thespinoff.co.nz/business/03-09-2022/a-tropical-cruise-for-one-is-a-profoundly-weird-experience

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*round 🙄

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