Your Brooke Frser comment made me laugh because that's exactly what I thought. (No diss, just facts)

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I mean, it's a cult, right?

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It's all the bad things! Literally ticks all boxes for toxicity, and personally, I'm not on board with milking your followers for cash, opposing abortion, teaching creationism, an anti LGBTQIA+ stance and the sexual abuse/assault stuff. Just a personal opinion of mine that those are a bit shite.

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Nailed it. I think that's why I found it so weird that the review - and a prime time profile on Seven Sharp - didn't mention it. She's embedded very deep. Her biggest songs now are religious ones. It's what's allowed her to buy this mansion: https://www.news.com.au/finance/real-estate/buying/hillsong-duo-buy-35m-glamour-estate/news-story/0a053587fbfe7fbedc2c382ed8348817

Surely worth a nod, no?

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How many kiwis have a Grammy on their mantlepiece? For Hillsong.

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Loved Seinfeld in the day, a lot, including his standup. But he has become a bit laughably sad lately. Saying that men should be more manly topped it off! Gervais similarly…

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Yeah I really did not enjoy the show. I wrote a full review for RNZ but the more I think about it the more I think how weird the whole thing was: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/520482/review-jerry-seinfeld-played-the-hits-and-not-much-more

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I thought it was funny, I am really glad Seinfeld doesn't do awful lewd humour like Ricky Gervais. I'll check out the review.

I did see the protesters outside. What Israel is doing in Palestine is awful, as is what Hamas is doing in Israel.

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I don't listen to Brooke Fraser or anything related to Hillsong...

Apart from Justin Bieber. I still think the Purpose album was epic. As well as his work with Skrillex and Diplo. So feel free to cancel Bieber, I will still like some of his best work...

You'll need to cancel Skrillex... as he's worked with him. Then you'll need to cancel Fred Again and my beloved hero Flowdan too who has worked Skrillex, who has worked with Bieber.... Pass.


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It’s a real personal decision eh. I struggle with Kanye, but he’s touched so many huge songs it’s nearly impossible.

Don’t cancel Fred Again plz!

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I saw Fred Again. That concert was quite cool. I got a resale ticket from Tixel for $70, but it worked and I got in. I was way at the top of the arena. I was in the upper area for Seinfeld and not as high but for Fred Again very top area.

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Oh you were at Seinfeld?!? What did you think?

I just wrote a review for RNZ: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/520482/review-jerry-seinfeld-played-the-hits-and-not-much-more

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Count me among those who bought a cheap last minute ticket! PS also not me chuckling at your Brooke Fraser dig 🫢

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So are you at all tempted to now buy one of those newly available $50 tickets in the heckling section? To get in on the action?

Had my own Seinfeld on a budget comedy experience some years back.

I went to a festival in the US in 2017. Aretha Franklin was billed to open the festival but had to cancel due to ill health. (I was selfishly sad - very much a once in a life time, last chance moment.)

I was not at all bothered that Franklin was at the end of her career. I've seen enough older acts in my time to know that performers can preserve voices well into their 80's, if done with care.

For me there is something beautiful about hearing the emotion in a voice that has lived and experienced life. Hearing voices in person that are woven into my own life story is a bit like that moment when I stood for the first time in front of a Botticelli in the Uffizi or took in the magnitude of thundering energy that is Niagara falls.

When Aretha Franklin cancelled it was announced that Jay Leno would step in.

Yes, really.

I've never been much of a fan, after seeing him live, I'm even less so.

Seated in a 4500 open-air amphitheatre, there wasn't a seat far enough from Leno for me.

The words dinosaur and misogynist only scratch the surface of what I really thought of him and his act, and franklin speaking that hardly seems fair to dinosaurs.

I hope for the sake of your $100 investment, and your risky ascent, that Seinfeld has aged better....

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He's a really interesting case study, imo. All of his closest peers - Ricky Gervais, Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock - have been cancelled and it's a clear-cut easy decision involving misogyny, anti-trans rhetoric, etc. I think Seinfeld's a little harder to dismiss. In Australia, the reviews are overwhelmingly positive, while the news coverage about the hecklers is almost entirely negative. It's going to be very interesting to see how he handles it here. The stakes are high, for sure!

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I watched and enjoyed Seinfeld back in the day.


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We all did! Sadly I also enjoyed Louis.

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Chris Rock got cancelled??

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