You gotta try to find the Damned's doco Don't You Wish That You Were Dead - features the iconic moment when "Captain Sensitive" stormed off stage and Gabrielle had to give the crowd a telling-off 😂

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Saw the Aussie horror film Talk To Me last night and guessed correctly that there were a few Onefour songs on the soundtrack thanks to reading this, they helped to make the film.

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Scared, much?!

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It's not a jump scare movie but it inserted its creepiness into my dreams for a few nights, and made a lasting impression, which is more impressive. A far better film than say Smile, which was scarier.

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Just had a reply from Powerstation owner Peter Campbell about this...

"Yet another once giant digital media player trying to ... gleam real world credibility via association. (I am not serious with my reply on this. I better make this clear to the world.)"

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